Monday, October 13, 2008

Fish Philosophy.....

It was so great if I have the chance to study or work later in that condition…. Now, I can imagine what I want my classroom to be later. it should a non-threatening environment which can motivate the pupils to come to school. I want make the classroom as a place for them to learn in fun ways, not only work, work and more homework. I want to give the pupils freedom to voice out their opinion and idea whenever I think their opinion and ideas are needed and should be share with others. I should never stop them from thinking and halt their imaginative skill. However, it is us, the teachers who will determine the environment and the culture of the classroom. If we are too ‘fierce’ with the pupils, they may be too afraid to make mistake and ask question, but if we can be a very flexible teacher, knows when to scold, when to make jokes and when you have to be serious. FISH philosophy is so like an imaginary classroom that we can imagine can happen in the school later, but for me, it is myself who will determine whether the school I was meant for later is place in that imaginary classroom. However, the most important things, thousand miles of journey starts with single step… so, make some changes slow and gradually…

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